Two recent references from upscale providers are necessary, or for newbies; an active LinkedIn account and your business email and URL. If you can’t provide that state so in the inquiry form and I’ll give you an alternative.
I’m discreet with the info and I must know exactly who is going to be spending such decadent, lavish times with me.
If you’re a high-profile individual who requires and will provide an NDA, I’d be happy to sign it.
Let’s slip away, my pet! Splurge on yourself. We only live and live once, bitch. Let’s rock. I love it!
Please read carefully!
When paying your 50% deposit, make a note in the memo area that it’s for lunch, dinner, groceries, or along the lines of a “vanilla” reason.
Send $1 first. I’ll tell you if it went through.
Apple Pay:914-433-6766
Venmo:@Nicole-Silverman-7 | Download Venmo
It may ask for the last 4 digits of my cell. Please select “continue without confirming” below the prompt.CashApp:$ZazoosMama | Download Cashapp
Your deposit will be forfeited if you miss your scheduled appointment. If you’d like to visit me, after that, the entire amount must be paid in advance. I will not credit you with the deposit you lost; that is gone.
Once welcomed into my home, we’ll discuss in-depth what fantasies and role-play you’d like to experience that day and any details you might have mentioned via email or telephone.
When in a softly lit, inviting room seated in cozy chairs, I’ll ask you to reiterate your desires for today’s encounter. I’d also like to learn your limitations. So if you’re a newbie, I’d like you to give this some thought in advance. If you’d like to add any background information that will be useful to me to produce the best experience ever, now is the time. I would love for this to be extremely memorable for us both.
I’d like to spend time while you’re decompressing after a session to learn what worked and what to adjust for next time, if necessary. This all sounds so formal but it’s more productive this way. I really am a gentle, caring soul and over the years of having pets and hopefully having you as my pet, as a part of my world, it’s best to be very clear.
I do love what I’m doing and would love to bring you into my secret world. You’ll love it, too!
Thank you, my pet!
My hours are 9 AM to 4 PM for arrival of new clients, 7 days. Winds of Change, overnights etc. may start at any reasonable hour.
Some guests have been asking for etiquette instructions so I’ll map it out here for you; clearly and quickly.
This is what’s expected:
I’d love for you to abstain from an orgasm for 48 hours prior to your visit. This heightens the edging experience.
I’d love you to be freshly showered, not from this morning and it’s late afternoon. Very recent. You may, of course, shower here in my lovely steam shower.
Please manscape if it won’t raise questions with your S.O. Or I can do it for you; just ask. It’s soapy and slippery fun! Think about it.
There’s nothing more distracting than your short and curlies being snagged when I tease that area. Unless you like that sort of thing and then I’ll be sure to give a tug!
When I ask you to “be squeaky clean, inside and out,” I’m referring to the above mentioned recent shower and also to use a Fleet where the sun doesn’t shine if you’d like me to explore and shine there.
Once again, if you’d like me to do that for you, as some men find it quite pleasurable to have this procedure performed on them, I can do it nicely and it’ll be comfortable and sensual for you. Please request 2.5 or 3 hour minimum visit as we don’t want to rush it!
So, you’ve decided to visit me, sent in the deposit, confirmed the day before and morning of visit.
What’s next? Arrive at the designated location 10 minutes before your scheduled visit and let me know. I’ll text you my address. When you’ve parked in the driveway, I’ll be outside to warmly welcome you into my home.
Please have the balance, in large bills if possible, in an unsealed envelope in your hand to present to me. Then I’ll whisk you up to the magic chambre for our fun experience.
Are you ready to be sensually seduced? To be revitalised, refreshed, reinvigorated and re-nourished? To be caressed by me and to caress me?
Do remember, there’s no full service. This is way more pleasurable and safer!